International Auction of the Work of Leonora Carrington

Auction status: ACTIVE

Auction ending date: October 6, 2021 at 4 pm (Mexico time GMT -5)

Auction information:

  • Leonora Carrington’s work at auction is entitled “Chapeau Chaud pour le Ski” and was made by the artist in 1952 in gouache on paper. Work certified by the Mexican Art Gallery (GAM).

    Chapeau Chaud  pour le Ski

    Author: Leonora Carrington
    Technique: Gouache and Mixta on Paper
    Year: 1952
    Measurements: 60 x 45 cm

  • To learn more about the artist and her artistic style, read the blog we have prepared about Leonara Carrington.
  • For more information about the auction, visit the auction company page.

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