In addition to private companies and individuals, public bodies also hold auctions, called public auction. A public auction refers to the disposal of assets seized by the state, where they are sold to the highest public bidder under a court order.
Like private auctions, public auctions are open to the general public, and any individual can bid on the property being auctioned.
The entity responsible for the public auction sale of State property or public institutes is the Directorate General of Treasury and Finance.

The Director General of the Treasury and Finance is responsible for determining the details of the public auction (fixing the place, date and time of the public auction and the base bid value, taking into account the evaluation of the good/property promoted by the Directorate General of the Treasury and Finance, as well as the accepted methods of payment).
Usually the municipalities themselves publicize their public auctions, and it is common for them to use their websites. Municipalities such as the Municipality of Sintra, the Municipality of Porto or the Municipality of Mafra are some examples that usually disclose public auctions.
At Centro de Leilões we are constantly working to satisfy the needs of our associates, as well as those who seek us out, so we have developed a page dedicated to public auctions in Portugal.
See here the most recent public auctions!