Câmara Municipal de Coruche, is holding a public auction to proceed with the sale of the following Lots:

Lot 1
Area m2:
Base bidding value: 20.041,21€ (twenty thousand forty-one euros and twenty-one cents)

Lot 3
Area m2:
Base bidding value: 19.972,12€ (nineteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-two euros)

Lot 6
Area m2: 528,33
Base bidding value: 26.890,43€ (Twenty-six thousand, eight hundred and ninety euros and forty-three cents)

I – Conditions of the public auction:

1 – All natural or legal persons may participate in the public auction for the sale of the lots;
2 – Should the bidders not be the interested parties themselves, the person representing them must present a sufficient document proving the necessary powers for the effect;
3 – The bidding will be done lot by lot;
4 – The minimum value of each bid is 500,00€ (five hundred euros);
5 – The award will be made to the highest bidder;
6 – The bidder to whom the lot is put up for bid will have to make immediately after the bidding, as a down payment and principle of payment, the payment of the amount corresponding to 10% of the total cost of the lot;
7 – The deed will be signed after notification by the Municipality;
8 – The buyer will pay the remaining amount upon the deed;
9 – The non celebration of the deed due to the purchaser’s non-appearance without a justified justification accepted by the Municipality determines the loss of the right to acquire the lot.
10 – The construction must be completed within three years from the signing of the deed
11 – Failure to comply with the previous number will result in the lot reverting to the Municipality, and the purchaser will be responsible for the costs;
12 – Upon express authorization from the Municipality, duly founded situations of non-construction within the established deadline may be considered;
13 – All charges of a fiscal nature, as well as those for the public deed, will be on account of the purchasers;
14 – The purchaser may not sell the lot within five years after obtaining the use permit;
15 – The conditions stipulated for the allotment and the respective plan may be consulted every working day during normal business hours at the services of the Division of Urban Planning and Territorial Management;
16 – Any omissions or doubts arising from the interpretation of these conditions of sale will be resolved by decision of the Municipal Council;
17 – For the record, this and other copies of the same content were drawn up and will be posted in the usual public places.

II – Carrying out the public auction

The bidding and allocation of the building will be made in a public act to be held on March 10, at 10 am, in the Meeting Room of the Town Hall Building, Praça da Liberdade, in Coruche.